Biometric Module

The AX Enterprise Biometric module provides integration of the Morpho finger/vein dual technology and Sigma fingerprint readers. The software provides biometric capture of 2 fingerprints per user from the cardholder management with compression and storage in the SQL database.

Fingerprint data is either downloaded to the fingerprint reader over Ethernet or stored on Mifare Desfire cards with AES encryption.

Identification and verification of biometric data is support:

  • fingerprint only
  • fingerprint and PIN
  • card and fingerprint
  • card, fingerprint and PIN   

Storage on card provides unlimited users, identification or verification requires downloading over Ethernet to the reader.

A minimum quality level can be set with the option to have a card only if this criteria is not met. The secure storage of the fingerprint on the card provides a high level of security with verifying that the card used does belong to the person. This module includes standard Desfire single application card encoding.

Data is held in the SQL database allowing to encode and print new cards without having to capture the data again and simply issuing a new card number while blocking the lost or stolen card. Data stored on highly secure Mifare Desfire card minimises network traffic, security issues during transfer of the biometric data and provides the highest speed of operation with up to 250,000 users with biometric data.

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